Black Mangrove is an evergreen, medium sized, erect and much-branched tree
that grows up to 10 m tall but generally only around 4-6 m in height.
Above-ground breathing roots are normally absent but in moist environments,
small looping lateral roots may develop. Bark is gray in color and fissured
longitudinally in older trees. Alternately arranged leaves are simple,
small in size, 3-7 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, succulent, obovate in shape
with a notch in the tip. Leaf margin is slightly wavy. Inflorescence is a
spike, 2 to 3 cm long, in leaf axils. Flowers are small and erect with
green-coloured tube-like calyx, which is divided into five sepals at the
tip. Petals are five, white in color and arranged alternate to sepals.
Stamens are 10 in number, free, arranged in 2 whorls, 5 stamens at the
base of the petal and remaining 5 at the base of the lobes of the
calyx. Fruit is vase-shaped, 1-2 cm long, yellowish green in color,
glossy, corky, buoyant and dispersed by currents. Each fruit contains one
oblong ovoid seed. Main trunk provides a hard and durable timber. In the
Maldives, timber is used for wooden house construction and sticks of
lesser diameter are used for rafters on wooden roof houses. Larger wood is
sometimes used in boat building. Stems are used for pushing boats in
shallow water. It is considered as excellent firewood. High-quality
charcoal is prepared from larger stems.
Identification credit: Aditya Dharap
Photographed at Gorai Creek, Mumbai.
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